Saturday, February 3, 2018


I have been ordering from AliExpress for more than 3 years, and so far have over 450+ orders (some stuff for resale, but most for myself). I have ordered clothing, toys, small electronics, green tea, mineral salt deodorants, soaps, motorcycle gear, and have been overwhelmingly happy with the savings.
jis watch aliexpress review
$10.81 JIS watch from AliExpress – review
Sweaters from AliExpress
$9.81 Sweaters from AliExpress
Below is my story, and how I got into online shopping.
As long as I remember myself, I always liked saving money. Maybe it stemmed from the fact that I was used to not having a lot of extra cash, so I had to get creative with my spending.
At some point in the past I was in the market for a new phone, because my old one was getting way too old. When a coworker mentioned that there is a website where you can get extremely cheap tech from China that wasn't all that awful, he had my complete attention.
It was, and he said that he bought a few phones and tablets from there for his wife and mother-in-law, so I decided to give it a try.
I have even placed an order, but the next day I realized that being on a cheap phone plan, my network was using older AWS frequency band, which was too old even for China, and the phone that I paid for would not work. Thankfully, the order has not been shipped yet, and the seller agreed to cancel it. I have searched the website for other phone, but there weren't any that would work on my network; so I decided to buy a phone locally instead.
However, while searching for the phone I came across a few other products at suspiciously low prices. I have shopped on eBay before and I had trust in PayPal, so I decided to give this site another try, and ordered a bunch of smaller stuff, like an SD card, earphones, a USB car charger adapter, and some other things that I don't remember.
About a month later they came in the mail, there was an issue with one of the products that also took a while to sort out; but all things considered, I knew that I was hooked.
But I knew that I didn't want to deal with again. Fool me once, shame on you, and I didn't want to let them fool me again. So I started looking at alternatives.
One day my trimmer broke, and I started looking online. That is when I came across AliExpress. They had one on “sale” for $about $22, that supposedly was marked at 75% off with a timer ticking away the savings. As I said, I couldn't pass on a deal, and I was pretty naive, so I ordered it. It came a few weeks later, it worked fine, so I went ahead and ordered a few other things like stickers and a water bladder for camping.
Then I started ordering more things off AliExpress, and eventually almost entirely stopped using other sites like eBay and Amazon, as I quickly realized that most of these things are made in China anyway, and I could save much more money just by waiting a bit longer.
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I have been ordering from AliExpress for more than 3 years, and so far have over 450+ orders (some stuff for resale, but most for myself). ...